The PLACE model competition promotes creativity, collaboration and appreciation of spaces alongside sustainability. It is open to anyone of primary school age in Cornwall and Devon, free of charge, to inspire the future generations of creative thinkers and awareness of the built environment. The architectural model competition runs until the judging day on Friday 16th June where models will be presented at Launceston Town Hall and available to be viewed by the public over Heritage Weekend on 17th – 18th June 2023.
We are delighted to be working with Launceston Town Council, Launceston Chamber of Commerce, Launceston Library and The Orchard Centre.
Who can take part?
The competition is open to all ages between 4 and 11 in Devon & Cornwall. Schools are invited to take part, perhaps as a term project, or individuals can submit a model independently.
Where will models be made?
That’s entirely up to you! Perhaps at home, school or organise with a friend. All model-making is expected to be carried out off the premises by participants’ own means in advance of 16th June. Unfortunately we are unable to offer build workshops this this year.
How to sign up:
We would appreciate a notification before Wednesday 14th June from interested applicants, either individually or as a group or school, to ensure we have an appropriate sized venue to display and judge the models. Please send an email to express interest, ask any questions or confirm taking part at the contact details below.
How will models be presented and judged?
Models will be dropped off at the venue in the morning and judging will take place privately in the afternoon where rosettes with 1st and 2nd place, and ‘Special Mention’ will be placed next to the winners. The models will be left in place over Launceston Heritage Weekend from Saturday 17th June where applicants will be able to view the models and find out the winners. The venue will be open to the public to view the models. Models will be available to be picked up in the afternoon of Sunday 18th June. Please note, all models will need to be left in place from drop off on Friday 16th June until pick up on Sunday 18th June.
Sign up deadline: just bring your model along on the morning of Friday 16th June (please note the original deadline of 12th May and a later date of 14th June have been lifted as a suitable sized venue has been found)
Drop Off Date: Friday 16th June
Prize Unveiling and public viewing: Saturday 17th June & Sunday 18th June between 10am – 2pm
Pick Up Date: Sunday 18th June
Model display and judging address: Otho Peter Suite, Launceston Town Hall, Launceston, Cornwall, PL15 7AR
Main Contact: Tash Baskerville, Operations Manager – [email protected]