A presentation and Q&A on The Party Wall Act and relevant neighbourly matters aimed at construction and planning consultants.

What is the Party Wall Act and how does it affect works at a property? Who can serve notice? Who can be a party wall surveyor how much does a licence cost?

Join Kirsty Worden of Vickery Holman as she shares an overview of the Act and who it affects, what happens when things go wrong, and other neighbourly matters such as access, scaffold, & crane licences, and boundary disputes. There will be a chance for Q & A and networking opportunities.

Lunch is provided following the talk. Please let us know of any dietary or access requirements in advance at [email protected]

Where & When

Thursday 16 May 2024, 12:00 – 13:30 (arrival from 11.30am)

PLACE architects Ltd, Northgate Studios, 1st Fl. 4 Northgate St, Launceston, Cornwall, PL15 8BD

What 3 Words: Modem. Patio. Scanning.

About the Speaker

Kirsty Worden BSc (Hons) MScBS MRICS MPTS
Vickery Holman

Kirsty is a chartered building surveyor, Associate, and Head of Building Surveying Litigation. She has a decade of experience in the property and construction industry and is part of Vickery Holman’s Dispute Resolution Services team, covering Cornwall and Plymouth. Building Surveying Litigation covers neighbourly matters such as disputes, trespass and nuisance, licences, the Party Wall Etc. Act 1996, and the Access to Neighbouring Land Act 1992, as well as Expert Witness instructions covering a wide range of building matters.

Contact Us

Contact: Tash Baskerville, Operations Manager

Phone: 01566 772035

Sign up on the eventbrite page here.


11.30 – 12:00: Arrival & Networking

12:00 – 12:45: Presentation: Developing Property: The Party Wall Act and other Neighbourly Matters

12:45 – 13:00: Q & A

13:00 – 13:30: Lunch

Got an idea for a future CPD?

Do you have an idea for future CPDs? Perhaps you would like to know more about a subject or can provide CPD opportunities. Contact us regarding 2024 programme on the above details.